Red Kidney Beans

Red Kidney Beans

1. Simply soak them in fresh water overnight.

2. Drain off the water and rinse them. Add fresh water and boil until cooked. The time depends upon how dry the bean is and the texture. Mine typically take about an hour.

3. Drain and wash in fresh water. Ready to eat.


Please ensure that the beans are thoroughly cooked because uncooked or partially cooked beans can cause toxic poisoning.


I find it tedious to cook all the time. So, I cook up a big batch of red kidney beans and once they are washed and drained, I put single portions into freezer bags and put in our deep freeze. That way, I just take out a portion of red kidney beans when I need them and let them defrost. Easy!

My brother has a mixture of beans including red kidney beans, black turtle beans and azuki beans and others which are cooked as the method above and frozen in portions as above. His portions are larger than mine because he is male and more active.